
Theres that part in Frankie Teardrop where i really get scared. And that doesn´t usually happen with pop music. Music doesn´t scare you. I´m trying to think of music that does scare you, not like the costumes used by Slipknot but maybe metal stuff is supposed to be frightening. Like Horror movies with dead children in them.
Alan Vega does that to you when he screams out of nowhere. And even when you know its coming, it puts you off. Musicians aren´t supposed to be looking for that. Martin Rev sets up the moment of course.
Anyway, I think fright is great and all but I like Suicide much more for a lot of their other songs and for something I read about Alan Vega. I read that even when he didn´t have anything, not a hole to lay in the ground and die, back in NYC in the early seventies, he would be willing to give away whatever came to him by chance, drugs, food, places, to anybody. I think. he was poor and generous
I also like what Martin Rev says about coming in of the streets to the streets again at their shows. People would go into a club wanting to be entertained, but with Suicide up there, it would be like they never walked into anyplace. They were still outside. in messed up city streets. I like to imagine what that would be like.
Aside from that Suicide has great dynamics. Real homegrown handcrafted electronical noise in the background and a poor and generous guy up front, singing however he wants, no distinguishable boundries like choruses and verses. its just really good, it sounds really good.

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